A girl walking peacefully. Text on top: One thought at a time.

One thought at a time

Helping you build generational joy!
— Correnthia Randolph
  • Therapists can utilize several forms of therapy, but at the Center for Life having the natural ability to deliver authentic holistic treatment is a true-life changer. Pouring out what works from proven theories into the Center for Life’s authentic holistic treatment model, brings about a true transformation.

    The term “holistic” is used more than ever, and its true meaning is misunderstood more than ever. It has become part of a common language in mainstream therapy and other medical or wellness industries. Fortunately, here at the Center for Life I know how uncommon authentic holistic therapy is delivered. I make it my business to specialize in delivering the uncommon. The knowledge and precise delivery of authentic holistic therapy must embody the therapy treatment, or it’s simply not holistic.

    At the Center for Life, “authentic holistic” therapy considers mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. It is an integrative approach that combines traditional and non-traditional treatments to help the client as a whole person. Holistic therapy can be helpful in the treatment of many different psychological conditions. It benefits people seeking a more comprehensive approach to their mental health care.

    If you are interested in learning more about “authentic holistic” therapy, consider calling for a free consultation to determine whether this approach is right for you and to what degree. I would be more than happy to guide you in getting started.

  • Going beyond the senses of what we see, hear, touch, feel, and taste is daring, hair-raising, and goose-bump-terrifying for some. For others, it’s a mountain climb without a safety cord, with no looking back, no regrets, while taking a deep breath in to exhale, a soul-seeking journey filled with curiosity and hopes for clarity beyond what this layer of life can offer. It is hope for a more connected and grounded self, the “true self.”

    This is one of the most incredible journeys we invite you, the client, to join. Connecting with one’s true self beyond fundamental introspection or modern-day theories is a game changer. We invite anyone who is into or merely interested in the spiritual parts of themselves to inquire about our transpersonal therapy and the healing of the parts that need to be made whole. I promise this is not therapy as usual.

“Experience the Power of Telling Your Story”

Embrace your life. At The Center for Life, we believe that the journey toward healing the mind, body, and spirit begins with embracing who you are and why you are and understanding your journey this far, no matter what that looks like. In the beginning, we develop:

  • Strong therapeutic relationships.

  • Attainable goals together.

  • Specific treatment plans.

  • A plan for how often sessions occur for optimal resolution.

  • A timeline to monitor your progress.